Monday, February 21, 2011


I am in an anxious place tonight, on the eve before my new diet begins. I went grocery shopping today. And, while I've been on this diet (or modified versions of it) several times over the years, I found myself standing in the middle of an aisle, holding my head in my hands, and saying, "What the *@(%# am I going to eat?" I spent $227.39. Yes, that's TWO HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN. Agh. And, the worst part is that will only get me through one week of veggies, two weeks (possibly) of meat. Anyone who says organic costs the same has not grocery shopped organic and allergies. It takes me two hours to shop because I have so much going through my mind—wondering if I read the label carefully enough, going back and forth on which product will give me the best bang for my buck, contemplating whether I have enough of everything (protein, fiber, complex carbs) and just general angst about whether I can afford it. It makes me nuts. I listen to the screaming kid crying, "But, I want that!!!" and I think, "Just shut that kid up so I can concentrate on my stupid list."

Yes, I do realize I don't have a stellar attitude tonight, but it's for good reason. I did this diet last year...and it didn't work, so I'm skeptical. I still have as much inflammation—more, actually—and I still don't feel any better. I do have hope, though. My doc has two new weapons in his arsenal. Homeopathics from Germany that he thinks might work, since nothing else—drugs, supplements, diet—has. So, I'll go into this on a wing and a prayer, and my ever-present hope that someday I'll be "fixed."

And so, the journey begins...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Allergies

I think life is far better with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Just sayin'. Did you know they make gluten-free marshmallows? They are really, REALLY, good. I must give them up on Tuesday, so I'm going to eat them until then. Lots of them.

I'm basically putting myself into a self-induced food coma on purpose. I want to feel bad so when I start the new diet it will feel cleansing, not depriving. It's been fun to just eat whatever I want, but I am definitely feeling the effects. I have hives everywhere.

People ask me all the time what I'm actually allergic (not sensitive) to. The list is long, so I normally don't give it to people. The few times I have, I watch their eyes glaze over and can see into their mind: "Dear God, why did I ask? How do I get away?" So, now, I just say my main allergies are pork, dairy, gluten and eggs.

To get this out of the way early in my blog life, I'm including the entire list here.

There are four columns. One is called "negative." I'm allergic, but barely. I should eat those foods in moderation.

Almond, aspergillus (had to look that one up: it's basically a strange cone-like fungi, also many common molds), beef, cantaloupe, chicken, corn, crab, garlic, oat, orange, pea (green, is there any other color?), rice, salmon, shrimp, soybean, strawberry, tuna, turkey, walnut, wheat.

The mild, moderate and severe categories are:

Mild: peanut, tomato, pinto bean, sunflower. Moderate: mustard, cashew, lobster (it's just wrong to be allergic to lobster). Severe: whole eggs, all dairy, pork. Um, hello???? Bacon? How can anyone be allergic to bacon? That's just wrong on so many levels, I can't even go there. I'm eating it for breakfast tomorrow. I might eat the whole package.

The gluten allergy is called gluten intolerance. It includes barley, oats, spelt, kamut, rye, wheat, malt, and about 30 other food substances. It flattens the villi in my small intestine, and those villi, when they aren't flattened, are what allow the nutrients from food to be absorbed, so it's critical I never eat it again. This includes never putting it on my body, too. Most body, hair, face and makeup products have gluten in them. I'm now making my own lotion, since gluten-free lotion is expensive.

Environmental allergies: molds, dust, pollen, most weeds, sunflowers (my favorite); scorpions, rattlesnakes, black widow spiders (life threatening).

Chemical: chlorine (severe), all cleaning products that aren't natural, all fragrances that aren't natural, six common food pesticides (this means a large garden this year—can't wait!). This list is so long, it's ridiculous to list it all.

"What are you allowed to eat?" That's always the next question. I eat meat, nuts, and vegetables and am allowed one low-glycemic fruit (apple, pear, berries) a day. In addition to all I included on the first post, I also have insulin resistance, so that's why the one fruit a day.

There it is. In a nutshell. If you've done or read about the paleo diet, this is basically the paleo diet on steroids.

Thanks for being here.


The Beginning

This blog is about my new life, on about 10 different foods, and what that means for me.

I haven't started my new diet, yet. I just found out from my doc on Tuesday how critical it is for me to be strict about my diet. No cheating. Ever. So, I decided I needed a few days to wrap my head around it...and CHEAT. A lot. I'm eating everything I'm not supposed to, except gluten. That allergy is too serious. The rest, I can get away with for a couple of days. I'll start the diet on Tuesday, when I'm back at work.

I think I want to rename it, though. It's not a "diet." It's a new way of living. It's the new me. I had my pity party this week about losing so many foods I enjoy. I have a fabulous friend, ( Kishari, who is going to help me think up recipes with foods I can actually still eat.

I'll post my recipes. I'll post my frustrations. I'll post my triumphs. I'm hoping there are far more triumphs than frustrations. I've been through enough in the past 12 years. It's time for the triumphs.

Along with this diet, I'm embarking upon a new lifestyle with workouts, too. Gone are the days of running races and kickboxing (at least for awhile), and the years of couch-potatoing from being too fatigued. Now, it's thai chi, qi gong and meditation (flow) yoga. Along with the allergies, I also have fibromyalgia. These exercises will help with the extreme pain and fatigue and strength I've lost.

It'll be a whole new me. Still irreverent. Still bratty. Still smiling. And, maybe, just maybe, a lot happier and at peace in my own body.

So, feel free to watch. Comment. Laugh with me. Laugh at me. Enjoy my recipes...or not. If you are also one with allergies or illnesses that limit you, and you've found ways around it or through it, feel free to comment about what has worked for you.

Thanks for being here.

Strictly Sandi

PS - My friend Elaine gets the credit for the name Strictly Sandi. It's an awesome name. Thanks, Elaine!